PLEASE READ IN FULL if you Support Our Music & Ministry Peoples! We need your help. The SOTL crew have been putting in MAD WORK to get music to you. You say you want it... we been giving it! We are INDEPENDANT artists and RELY completely on YOUR SUPPORT. -That Means we are Humble People- Wives, Husbands, Parents, with Jobs and Responsibilities - Just like Yourself. It is with great honor that we have been given a 'platform' to create music & share it other people. It is with great Joy that our Hiphop has reached so many people and shared the Gospel in a relevant, impactful way in our music culture! -That means that we have NO budget to complete these very expensive albums and rely on YOU to buy/financially support what we put out SO WE CAN PUT OUT MORE. Everything we make on these albums goes right back into making more. Studio Equipment is not free - Time Spent on mixing, mastering, perfecting the Songs is not Free - Everything has a Cost Attached to it. Your Financial Support makes sure that we can CONTINUE to do what we do. It simple Mathematics, and we Thank you for your Support! -That means we have NO promotional funding and rely on YOU to promote what we are doing. We have been told that with no promotion from a 'major label' we will never get this music out to the masses. But a short look at human history will say that is wrong. EVERY REVOLUTION STARTED on 'THE STREETS'. Jesus Christ was not signed to a major label. In fact the 'major' players of His time tried to shut his 'album' down BUT the word of mouth promotion he received from his 'fanbase' caused His ministry to go worldwide to this day! YOU are our Promotional team and we appreciate that! You are our BEST Bet!If you have NOT bought the newest releases from the SOTL crew, please take a listen and do so if you like what you hear. If you HAVE purchased the releases... PLEASE share the music and availability info with others in your circle of friends & fam. We LOVE you guys and make Rap for YOU! What we need from You, honestly, is to BUY the music we create and SHARE it with others. And KNOW that you are appreciated for being our support and Promotional Team. We wouldn't have it any other way! Locust is US! Our goal is always to make music that encourages people toward Godly-Living and your financial & promo support goes a LONG way to insure that we can keep doing so. Thank you for your Support! SOTL NEW Releases!![]() Shadow of the Locust new album, "a Mighty Army Cometh, vol.1". Hiphop is Hiphop again with this album PACKED with rawness!…/a-mighty-army-come… Free Downloads here: ![]() Jeremiah Dirt's latest release is "the Rebel Lion". A hot reggae-rap mashup! Free Downloads here:
The Long Awaited... Highly Anticipated... Shadow of the Locust album, "a Mighty Army Cometh" is FINALLY HERE!!! Featuring: 20 MC's!, 7 Producers!, and Two DJ's! -the Album is a Powerful BLAST of Underground Hiphop in the Style that only SOTL brings. (And this is the FIRST installment of Three!!!) Be prepared for a Thumping, Reverberating, Meaningful, Hard-Hitting, Testimonial, Transparent, Revealing, Battle-Rap Mass of Audio Intricacies that will Permeate Deep and Leave Long-Lasting Marks on Soul and Mind. An Audio Legacy of Plague Proportion has been Delivered to us, Hiphop! DO NOT sleep on this one! Support us and get this Biblical Boom-Bap Biography now for your BoomBox Blessings!
No official group Album in 20yrs and then... BAM! SOTL members have put out a large discography through a number of solo projects as they have lived and pronounced the 'Locust Creed' . Unfortunately circumstance has kept an Official Group album from happening.... unti Now! be on the Look out.... a MASSIVE album is on the way from the Locust Crew and it will leave No Ears Disappointed! Sign up on with our News Letter and Stay Posted on Our Social Media (all to the right of your screen) and get Ready a MIGHTY ARMY COMETH. For Now... take a Quaint Jaunt with Father Locust, Jeremiah Dirt in the albums first promo. And out of right field!--- Samuel Oxymoron has just released an epic EP project!!!
the Middle-Aged Has-Been Rapper EP The album was concepted by a fanciful trip back to Sam's upbringing in Hiphop as he reminisced on his good ol' days of late 90's rap music. All production features this heyday of urban mainstream, chopped, cut-up & mixed by Beat Somebody, in an elaborate audible display of completely entertaining Hiphop music! ~ Although the beats are not 'new' the re-versioned concepts are fresh and invigorating! Sam Ox's lyrical prowess & Beat Somebody's quirky re-envisioning layered over these classics makes for a completely heavy-hitting final product. Oxymoron definately soothes us with a thurough trip from fun (Buf-zilla), to emotional (Start to Finish), to revealing (Fight for You), to soothing (Pen Play) and insightful (Ready Writer). His counterpart on the project, Beat Somebody, provides a definitive twist on some well known classics (Digable Planets, Tribe Called Quest, Biggie Smalls, ect) that seems to perfectly blend new audio concepts into grooved-ridden hits, seating us right in the middle of before & next, then & now, yesterday & today. ~ Features: Hosea Noiz, Man o' War, ManCHILD, Jeremiah Dirt, Loose Enda, M AKA Muffin, Sojourn, Foreknown and more! ~ the album is friggidy-FRESH! The Album is FREE! Don't SLEEP ON IT! (click album cover or above title to get it!) Guess what?... Chicken butt. AND it's Muffin's Birthday!!!!
YAY!!! Wish her happy Bday on her FB page >here< Check out here SOTL Bio >here< Also... be on the lookout. She's been droppin hot verse at the Qumran Cave studio w/ Beat Somebody for a number of projects. This Locust Lady of Rap about to knock on your dome with some fresh poem! Have you checked out Calmplex's new site?
Donkey Jaw Projects is up and running!!! Share in Calmplex's passion for God, Comic Art, Hiphop & his homemade figurines! Support Truth in Hiphop! Party People in the place to be!!
If you're Hip... If you're not a Square.... Then you will be Here! Bboy Nesto of High Desert Fame is getting married soon and we are celebrating with a Bachelor Bash Hip & Bboy event! Live Performances from : Shadow of the Locust (Dirt, Noiz, Samuel Ox, Wut, Broken1), Innovators Crew, and Special Guests - J.Givens!!!! Don't miss this FREE event! Including: Live art/graf, MC Battles/Freestyles, Bboy contests (including prizes), Food, Vendors. COME ONE, COME ALL! LET"S FELLOWSHIP and HAVE FUN! These two Heavy Weight MC's have been locked in the Qumran Cave Studio for over a month now! Neighbors have been complaining about the loud noises of thundering Basslines, Ear-Splitting Guitar Riff's and Vintage Break Beats playing all night long! As of yet.... the cops have not been called. Hopefully Noiz & Dirt can get done with "the Serpent Dove" before the SWAT gets brought in! GOOD LUCK FELLAS!
Late into the wee hours of the nights.... we are awake... making music for you.
Soon Coming! SOTL is dropping our first collab album in 20 years! A MIGHTY ARMY COMES, is slated to release late this year. Featuring all the members of the crew over tracks from Beat Somebody, Khonsu, Calmplex and Upright. Things have been going so well in the studio that the album might end up being a double disc! Stay tuned on this site. and if you haven't, sign up for our PLAGUE REPORT newsletter. Link up with us!: SOTL Facebook SOTL Youtube SOTL Twitter SOTL Soundcloud SOTL Bandcamp What is better than
cars, bikes, mexican food and Locust HipHop!? NOTHING!!!! So come on out and enjoy the Fun. Support TRUTH in Hiphop. (we plan on going on in between 7-8pm) We got a NEW Audio Offering for YOU!
the tracks is called "We be to Rap (the Locust Creed)"! Head over to the EAR page and check it out. Download this joint quick! On "We be to Rap" you'll get to hear the vocal stylings of 2 of our newest members; Samuel the Oxymoron & Broken1 - whom are both backed by the Locust Legend, Calmplex! Track was produced by Beat Somebody and is a lively expression of Hiphop bliss! AAAAW Yeah! Time to get Connected!The Album is out!
Shadow of the Locust presents Broken 1's Debut release: "Well Connected" available HERE! from Dirt: "This album is super fresh & meaningful. Broken is a lyricist through and through. And to hear him over these heavy beats is amazing. You got his word play knocking at your heart & the music slapping your eardrums around... it all adds up nice! Good Job Broken! " This is where you guys support. Shadow of the Locust is not backed up by any major. Our goal is to make good music for YOU. We need YOUR help in buying it and promoting it. It's a mutual relationship that we enjoy because it keeps us close to our fans. So go get this album, enjoy it & tell others to do the same so we can keep delivering the music to you. Welcome if you are coming in off of -Sphere Of's- latest Podcast. SOTL says "Whatup, Yo!?".... check out our soundscape offerings.
(any questions? Ask Dirt) If you haven't checked out the Podcast DO IT NOW!!! It's featuring SOTL this time around. Get a good Blend of 'Locust' tracks & a Dirt interveiw, hosted by Cas Metah and! Click to hear the Podcast! We are on the move!
Best thing to do is sign up on our Plague Report Newsletter. Upcoming SOTL albums: Dirt= the Rebel Lion Dirt & Reveal= Solomon Cain Shadow of the Locust= Rumor of War Calmplex= Match Made in Human Calmplex= Calmzilla Dirt & Noiz= the Serpent Dove Listen... go to the Family Tree and check out our crew! Your gonna find free music on everybody's page! If all that free music aint enough then go to our Ear page. You'll find MORE there! DON'T MISS out on this! DON'T SLEEP ON THE SHADOW OF THE LOCUST! Whatup Yo!?.....We want to say what up to our two newest members
Broken1 and Samuel Oxymoron! Get ready for these Mic Marvels! There's a few SOTL submissions offered on the hot new "Black OPS 2" mixtape from Oracle zine and DJ iRockJesus! Look for Reveal & Dirt holdin it down over 3 seperate tracks submitted to the soundscape. Spread the Word... the Download is FREE!!!
SOTL online:Each of Our Members have their own Social Network links as well. Find them on their seperate BIO pages from the FAMILY TREE. Subscribe to the blog feed!
June 2023